I have many blind spots in my life, and one of is the ability to know when to rest.
For some strange reason i am able to trick myself into thinking that i'm a superhuman whose need to rest is non-existent and irrelevant. This was so until i got married.
They say once you're married, your spouse becomes your mirror which allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses you never knew you possessed – and that's what happened to me. When i was still single (unmarried), my concept of sleep and rest was that it is a necessary part of survival. i simply can't function the next day if i do not sleep today. Hence, i sleep. But ever since i got married, Sung has been my sleep police. It was tough at first because this police knows me way too well. He knows that his wife has serious rest dysfunctions. The irony is that i actually love sleeping. The problem was that i don't sleep when i get to; only when i have no choice but to sleep because i have no more energy left in me.
So my sleep police makes sure i stop doing nonsense before i sleep. Nonsense such as replying emails and texts that can be replied the next day and putting away my laptop so i don't get reminded of work. I must say that it was really annoying in the beginning because WHY IS MY HUSBAND CONTROLLING MY LIFE. I've been doing the same thing for the past 25 years and i'm fine (or so i thought).
But as i slowly readjusted my lifestyle and sleeping pattern, i began to realise how unhealthy they used to be. I started out by putting work aside after working hours, make sure i don't turn on my laptop when i'm home unless it's for leisure or urgent work. As i did that, i began to feel tired. Believe it or not, i actually do not know when i'm feeling tired. Sung can look at me and say, "Dear, you're tired." and i'd reply "What? No. I don't feel tired at all." And the conversation usually ends by me letting out an unexpected yawn and he'll give me the 'told you so' look. I'm really not sure if it's ego or i simply do not understand my own body. Whatever the reason, i'm glad i have my personal sleep police. This police has change my life like no other.
The perks of sleeping earlier is to wake up fresh. Every morning without fail he would ask me "How's your sleep, dear?" and i'd tell him my sleep story be it: dreams/nightmares/drank too much water before sleeping and had to keep waking up to pee/he took too much of my blanket/aircond too cold/aircond too hot/he elbowed me in the eye and i hit him and said "OMG!!" and he could hardly remember the next morning (true story. he really elbowed me once, straight into my eye balls. thank God i still have sight today). If it's a bad sleep (aka the elbow incident or a nightmare), he'd express his holy discontentment and tells me i'll get a better sleep tonight. But if it's a good sleep (aka no midnight elbowing), he'd immediately burst out in a wide smile and say "I'm so so happy to hear that, dear." This made me realise that a well rested me doesn't just bless me, it blesses the people around me even more. A good sleep = fresher mind/spirit = better me. Now i strive to be well rested and have a good work-life-balance for him. Because if there's anyone who deserves to enjoy the best of me, it has to be my husband.
The past 2 weeks were quite tiring for me with insufficient quality sleep. Knowing that, he planned a one-night getaway in the city where we put a night at a hotel and just had zero agenda besides eating and resting. He made the booking and texted me to inform me that a one-night getaway awaits us. It was a really sweet and pleasant surprise. When i asked him why the sudden getaway, he replied:
"I just want you to have a good rest. You deserve it."
So many points :') Here's some photos of our getaway.
My sleep police and i chilling by the pool.
Serious uncle sung catching up on world news.
my husband.
Being in a new location really does help declutter one's mind. I took awhile to settle in. I had to keep reminding myself that this is rest and i must be present to take everything in; to enjoy every moment with my husband, myself and God. I'm now well rested and ready for the week! Writing this post makes me realise how much i miss blogging. The more pending posts i have in my mind to write, the stronger the urge to procrastinate. Ugh #humannature. Will try to fight that procrastination once more this week.
Till then, take care my friends and thank you for reading. I'd love to know who you are, so do drop a comment to say 'hello' if you can!
I'll be back ;)