How I Feel As A Bride-To-Be...

...whose wedding is coming up in just one month's time.

Happy because i'm getting married to the man i love.
Sad because i don't wanna move out. I don't wanna start packing even though i should totally start doing that already.
Excited because i'm moving into a new home with my husband, and we get to decorate the house the way we like it to be.
Anxious because time seems to be ticking faster by the day and your mind just can't stop thinking about what you might have missed out.
Nervous because i have absolutely no idea what to expect on that day, and how everything will turn out. I mean, what if i trip and fall on my guests?! What if the food is too nice?! What if my gown is too tight?!
Stressed out because there are so many more details to look into even though you feel like you've already looked into most of them. The list just never ends.
Afraid that we'll forget to invite important people. Hence, the need to look through our guest list again and again. And there's always this fear at the back of my head that we might miss out names and when they come on the wedding day, they don't have an allocated seat because we forgot to include them in the list. That'd be the ultimate nightmare.
Angry because i'm still fat.
Furious because i've never been not-fat.
Pinterest-obsessed because that's where all good ideas (and unrealistic expectations) come from. Yet i can't wait to see how these ideas will turn out on that day!

Last but not least...


Grateful for all the people that God has placed in our lives to journey with us through this season of our lives. Parents, siblings, friends, leaders, members and more. Grateful to have an understanding fiancé who allows me to be anal-retentive about certain design stuff and other minute details that nobody will ever notice but me. Grateful to have God at the centre of our relationship, wedding planning and soon - marriage. 

So just imagine putting all those emotions into a blender and mixing them up together. The result is me. My current state. No complaints. Only prayers of gratefulness and hope. Finding rest, peace, joy and security in Him...and also him :)

Can't wait for the day to come!